Abundance is committed to making every experience seamless and profitable.

“Big fan and thanks for helping me with my portfolio. Heaps of my clients have benefited from her friendly but professional approach”

“We appreciate all your help. Been fantastic dealing with you.”

Client Case Study

Property Address: Unit 24/77 Racecourse Rd Pakenham

Purchase Price: $370,000

Contract Date: December 2016

Paid at Contract date: $37,000

Settlement Date: June 2018

Paid a Settlement: $333,000

Days Vacant before 12-month lease: 2weeks


Valuation at Settlement: $450,000

Money Made: $80,000

Time client made it in: 19 months

Investment: $36,995 (10%)

Growth: 21% in 1 ½ years


What it really means…

Purchase 2 more investment Properties

On track to retiring at 50 years old

2 young Son who he has also taught how to invest

Building up for their future as well as giving them a lifelong Education of Investing

Supports a Charity from their home country